Project Case Studies

A New Model
We worked with an industry Research and Development Corporation on developing a model to facilitate and manage innovation development and dissemination across a major agrifood processing sector. We consulted with industry participants; researched innovation models and created a business model to maximise the return on invested levy funds.

A Sustainable Future
We worked with the board of a key provider of industry leadership and insights to understand the future context of their business and the opportunities and threats it faces. Relying heavily on volunteers to plan and deliver conferences, the current model was deemed unsustainable. Through a structured process of internal discussion, stakeholder consultation, and competitor research we developed a detailed strategic plan which provides a pathway to build the business, amplify its messages and ensure ongoing relevance.

Developing Scenarios
We developed a range of plausible and challenging future dairy scenarios for the Australian Dairy Industry as a key part of a strategic study into medium to long-term prospects and priorities. From this work, we developed and articulated a vision for the desired future state of the dairy industry as part of the Horizon 2020 project.

Industry Plan
We assisted AOF in the development of a strategic plan for the Australian Oilseeds industry for 2015-25, drawing on insights from food industry megatrends, as well as the consultation input from various stakeholders and participants in the sector.

Business Strategy
We worked with enterprise owners to develop a strategic plan for a significant milk production business based on a clear view of the preferred destination, articulating the priority strategies, development projects and KPIs.
The plan has been used to refinance expansion activities and to seek investor interest in long-term partnership.

Expansion & Diversification
We are working with the board and management of a listed agribusiness processor in the development of strategic priorities to enhance business financial performance and sustainability over the medium to long term.
This has included the evaluation of options to enhance capacity utilisation, increase the processing footprint and extend services to suppliers and customers.

Strategic Analysis
We undertook analysis to support the development of strategy by a major beef production business located in Northern Australia, focused on evaluating the scope for further downstream integration into food value chains into various domestic and export markets.
This assessed value chain dynamics in a number of key markets and competitor industries, assessed price-setting mechanisms and the scope to create and capture value.

Industry Vision Setting
We worked with an industry Research and Development Corporation on developing a model to facilitate and manage innovation development and dissemination across a major agrifood processing sector. We consulted with industry participants and stakeholders; researched various innovation models and workshopped the challenges and opportunities with management and staff to create a business model that would be agile, proactive and responsive and ensure the organisation is better placed to maximise the return on invested levy funds. We assisted management determine the optimum way to implement the model within their organisation, identifying priorities to encourage collaboration across functions and other capacity development.

Future Innovation Demands
We worked with the board of a key provider of industry leadership and insights to understand the future context of their business and the opportunities and threats it faces. Relying heavily on volunteers to plan and deliver conferences, the current model was deemed unsustainable. Through a structured process of internal discussion, stakeholder consultation, and competitor research we developed a detailed strategic plan which provides a pathway to build the business, amplify its messages and ensure ongoing relevance.

Transforming an Industry
We expedited a long-term industry plan for a client to improve the value of the sector over a five-year period. A strategy was developed to move the industry from a fragmented state to an integrated, managed supply chain that is capable of capturing a higher unit value from markets. Coinciding with value capture, the strategy outlined how the industry was to operate to provide the integrity, viability and culture change that would support ongoing transformation for the future.
Plans to Action

Assessing Supply Chain Options
We worked with a major retailer to assess alternate supply chain models for a fresh produce line is sourced directly from farmers. We mapped and explained typical alternative supply chain models within a specified region and then worked with our client to identify and evaluate preferred options that could balance the needs of suppliers and the realities of a retail business, given the requirements of the brand positioning of the products within the category. This enabled our client to understand the parameters of the industry and suppliers, and explore the scope for improved supply chain performance within the business.

Milk Pricing Design
We worked closely with a client to develop and implement an approach to milk pricing for prospective suppliers to underpin its proposed new manufacturing facility. The project identified tangible points of difference based on the competitive tension in the industry and challenges facing regional production systems to create a suitable sharing of risks and attract a sustainable supply base for the business.

Market Entry
Working with another consultancy, we researched and described the market for wheat and flour in 10 Asian countries as part of the development of a commercialisation strategy for a novel wheat variety. Our “market metrics” analysis explored major consumer trends, described relevant case studies, and provided direction to the client by developing a model that generated a relative ranking for each market opportunity.

Market Entry
We developed a plan for a major dairy processing client to enter a new territory in an industry’s supply chain, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of various entry strategies, competitor positioning, and developing the proposition to targeted suppliers.

Project Evaluation
We work closely with a client in evaluating the establishment of an Australian business in a specific product area, by undertaking various assignments addressing relationship and influence approaches, market and supply chain sensitivities, assessing the impact on the industry’s production sector, and the apparent cost-benefit equations for ultimate end-users of the product.

Developing Policy
We assisted a client in design of a new approach to pricing for the purchase of a raw agribusiness commodity, balancing the likely future market realities and settings and on-farm challenges facing suppliers.

Organic Market Analysis
We conducted research for our client as part of a due diligence process to assess the feasibility of entering the organic dairy market. Our research answered questions surrounding supply and demand, imports, price and cost competitiveness of the Australian sector. Our extensive research into the organic dairy industry assisted the client in generating an in-depth understanding of the sector moving forward.

Knowledge Management
We collaborated with a client to design a knowledge management hub for their specific sector. The primary aim was to provide processors of the industry with efficient online access to a range of technical resources relevant to innovation and other challenges. The development proved beneficial to the sector by improving access and awareness, as well as reducing search time and the duplication of effort. Ultimately providing the client with a platform to better service the industry needs.

Organic Opportunities
We assessed the global market for organic ingredients, mapping and analysis of competitive regions and their ability to supply growing demand. We leveraged our global network of industry players and consultants to gain insights that helped our client understand the challenges and opportunities of entering the market. While trade in organic ingredients is not well documented, our deep understanding of the conventional marketplace, the likely key suppliers of organic product allowed us to paint a comprehensive picture for our client that supported a detailed business case.

Investment Needs Analysis
A number of clients have appointed us to assess the investment needs of major Australian agrifood sectors in Australia. We have profiled each sector; including the major players and key future drivers. We researched and developed detailed SWOT analyses as well as pinpointing potential investment hotspots along major agrifood supply chains – based on current gaps and future opportunities. The detailed outputs have been used to brief and inform management and staff, therefore facilitating more informed and targeted investment activity.

Food Pricing
We completed a major study for Australian Government into the factors determining the pricing of food through Australian agrifood supply chains in meat proteins, dairy, horticulture, grains and oilseeds, and processed foods.
The work has assessed the impact of trade, consumer preferences, retailer strategies, cost structures and supply chain dynamics to assess the relationships between retail and farmgate prices. Specific categories and products have been analysed. The work was completed in mid-2015 and published in March 2016.

Explaining Realities
We prepared an analysis – explaining realities – for a client of the factors affecting the local and imported supply and the influences on consumer demand for processed tomatoes and stone fruit within the Australian retail market.

Simulation of Returns
We develop and regularly monitor a simulation of the returns available from commodity dairy markets and the impact of key variables in product prices, market mix, profit retention, processing costs and relative currency values on available farmgate milk prices.

Annual Analysis
We developed a comprehensive annual analysis of the outlook for the supply and demand for milk in the northern dairy industry and the variables affecting that region into the future.

Conference Paper
We researched and delivered a major conference paper to the Australian Dairy Conference event in 2012 that outlined the critical issues in the dairy value chain affecting the scope for producers to influence returns.

Research Study
We conducted a research study to determine the feasibility for a client interested in farmland investments in pasture-based dairying regions with exposure to export markets. The study provided context and insight into the Australian dairy sector dynamics at regional and farm levels. We assessed the regional risks and opportunities as well as describing the current and future of the trade landscape. This analysis also developed a long-term outlook for the industry with projections of global supply and demand, as well as the likely impact on farmgate returns. Our in-depth understanding of the factors determining the ability of farm businesses to capitalise on natural advantages and the utilization of our Dairy Trade Simulator to project the global commodity trade allowed us to convey to our client a vivid snapshot of the sector.

Opportunity Assessment
We undertook an analysis to examine the opportunity for one of our clients to participate in a transaction that would give a significant investment in the processing and distribution of wheat flour and flour products in Australia. The research provided the client with industry context to objectively assess their investment options, identified the risks that affect the stability of the investment long-term and determined the reliability of the income projections.

Food Affordability
We created a process and reporting package for a major client to track the affordability of food to Australian households over time and to illustrate significant trends in household food spending and shopper preferences.
Freshagenda has designed, packaged and delivered a range of information products including a number of agribusiness market reports and food decision making tools.
These reports relevant to various geographic domains and market issues in the global agribusiness sector, tailored to client requirements. Our publications include:
- Ausfine – Dairy Planet – We produce a fortnightly newsletter on global market news and industry developments for Ausfine’s international dairy trade division to distribute to clients
- Hoogwegt Horizons – We contribute to a monthly newsletter on the strategic issues affecting the global dairy trade to help clients of this major international dairy trader understand the drivers of commodity markets.